
Plus One Program

You are invited to make a friend!

Developing Minds Therapy Services social skills groups are designed to teach children how to interact, play, and develop friendships. We utilize an evidence based treatment approach that has been shown to have a positive and significant impact on the development of interpersonal skills and positive social behaviors.

Who can benefit?

Our groups are most beneficial for children who are not developing social skills as quickly as their peers. This may include children who are too active and physical in their play. It may include children who have trouble picking up on social cues with peers, like body language, voice tone, and facial expressions. Children with social communication challenges, developmental delays, or other types of learning challenges can benefit participating.

About Our Program

Our team creates an individualized social skills experience by assessing each child’s current needs and implements their individualized goals at each session. We review the initial assessment results and proposed goals with parents before the program begins. At the end of each session you will receive an update on your child’s progress, identified skills to work on with your child, as well as information to support parents in the generalizations of skills throughout the week.

What’s Different?

DMTS uses the Skillstreaming program and the Social Skills Improvement System, both of which are highly acclaimed and utilize research based methods to teach social skills. Our staff uses Behavior Skills Training (BST), an evidence based teaching approach that uses modeling, practice, feedback and ultimately independence in confidently using each skill learned.

We offer an 8 week program 4 times a year that offers 2 hour sessions for children 3 to 12 years of age. Children practice and develop conversational and problem solving skills while building friendships through play. Our groups provide a supportive environment for children to practice various social skills, learn from others, and gain confidence from positive feedback.

Parent Participation

Parents will meet with staff prior to the start of the program to review the results of the assessment and current targets. At this time each child’s “homework” sheet will be shared with parents. Because of the importance of generalizing social skills across settings, parent involvement and participation is an essential part of the treatment. Parents are expected to participate in parent training for the first 30 minutes of your child’s scheduled social skills group session. The social skills group BCBA providing the training and your assigned individual BCBA will help support the generalization of your child’s targeted skills.